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Large flightless birds

Types of Large Flightless Birds

The Struthioniformes, also called the Ratites, are a diverse group of flightless birds. Most species are large and long-legged, but they range in size from the common ostrich at nine feet tall to the chicken-sized kiwis. Aside from the ostriches of...

Red-Shouldered Hawk

The 8 hawks in Michigan

Michigan is home to a variety of hawks, with some species being more common than others. Eight species are recognized on the state’s checklist as native to the area. Hawks are birds of prey known for their strong beaks, sharp vision, and swift...

Threskiornithidae Index - Ibises

29 Types of Ibis

Ibises are wading birds of the Threskiornithidae family. They fall under the order Pelicaniiformes, together with spoonbills. Waders are a diverse group of birds that feed by wading through shallow waters. To facilitate this, they typically have...

Bald Eagle

Eagles in Illinois

Eagles are some of the most awe-inspiring birds to watch. These huge animals have a wingspan larger than adult humans and are as tall as children. They soar high in the sky scouting for food with their incredibly vision. Watching eagles hunt is an...

Roadside Hawk feathering

124 Types of Hawks

This article contains species from the following Accipitridae subfamilies: Accipitrinae – accipitrine hawks, Buteoninae – buteonine hawks, Harpaginae – harpagine hawks...