Missouri (MO) is located in a part of the United States with a convergence of bioregions. Therefore, the state contains an extensive range of habitats. Those habitats include bottomland swamps, hardwood forests, upland forests, tallgrass prairies...
South Carolina (SC) is in the United States, situated on the southeastern coast of North America. This relatively small state has a subtropical climate and is composed of a wide range of habitats, from coastal environments to highlands –...
The Long-eared Owl (Asio otus), also known as the Northern Long-eared Owl, is a slender, medium-sized owl belonging to the Strigidae family. It is a widespread species, distributed extensively across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North America, the...
Located at the heart of the Great Lakes and with more than half of the state forested, Michigan is a hotspot for a wide variety of bird species.
Ducks, geese, and swans belong to the family Anatidae in the order Anseriformes. Birds in this order are adapted for aquatic living. For this reason, most species have webbed or partially webbed feet.
Ever wondered how to tell apart a falcon from a hawk? Or confused a hawk for an eagle? This quick guide will help you identify the different types of raptors.
The Sunshine State is a haven for wildlife, boasting some of the most iconic wilderness areas of North America. From the Florida Keys to the Everglades, Florida is a nature lover’s paradise. And between the forests, grasslands, wetlands, islands...
The Old Line State might be small, but it sure packs a punch. Between the forests, coastal salt marshes, Appalachian highlands, and Chesapeake Bay area, Maryland’s diverse environment offers birders over 400 species to look out for. Hotspots include...
The term waterfowl is used to describe any member of the order Anseriformes. A series of articles describes all the waterfowl. This specific article describes the “dabbling ducks” which belong to family Anatidae, subfamily Anatinae...
The southwestern state of Kentucky is home to some stellar birding shrines. From the wildlife refuges in the northwest to the Cumberland Plateau and Appalachians in the east, the Bluegrass State boasts a diversity of landscapes, providing habitat...