1. Genus Platalea
1.1. African Spoonbill, Platalea alba
Description: The African Spoonbill has mainly white plumage, a gray bill, a red face, and red legs. Juveniles lack the red face and have a yellow bill.
Range: Africa and Madagascar.
Habitat: Marshy wetlands.
Conservation status: Least concern.
1.2. Black-Faced Spoonbill, Platalea minor
Description: The black-faced spoonbill has mainly white plumage with a black face, bill, and legs. Breeding birds have a yellow breast patch and white crest.
Range: Eastern Asia.
Habitat: Marshes,mudflats, estuaries, and lakes.
Conservation status: The black-faced spoonbill is endangered due to habitat destruction and human disturbance.
The black-faced spoonbill is similar to the breeding Eurasian spoonbill but the latter has a yellow-tipped black bill and the black-faced spoonbill has a black face.
1.3. Eurasian Spoonbill (Common Spoonbill), Platalea leucorodia
Description: The breeding Eurasian spoonbill has mainly white plumage, a yellow breast patch, a black bill with a yellow tip, dark legs, and a crest. Nonbreeding birds lack the crest and breast-patch. The juvenile has a pale bill and black-tipped primary feathers.
Range: Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Habitat: Shallow, wetlands, marshes, mangroves, rivers, and lakes.
Conservation status: Least concern.
It is similar to the black-faced spoonbill but the latter has a black face and does not have a yellow-tipped bill.
1.4. Roseate Spoonbill, Platalea ajaja (Ajaia ajaja)
Description: The roseate spoonbill has pink plumage which varies in color depending on diet and age. It has a gray bill. It is the only spoonbill found in the Americas.
Range: The Americas.
Habitat: Shallow freshwater, brackish, and saltwater environments such as wetlands, swamps, and mangroves.
Conservation status: Least concern.
1.5. Royal Spoonbill (Black-Billed Spoonbill), Platalea regia
Description: The royal spoonbill has mainly white plumage, with a black bill, face, and legs. Breeding birds have elongated plumes down the back of the head.
Range: Australia, New Zealand, and some Pacific Islands.
Habitat: Shallow fresh and saltwater wetlands, and intertidal flats.
Conservation status: Least concern.
1.6. Yellow-Billed Spoonbill, Platalea flavipes
Description: The yellow-billed spoonbill has white plumage, a pale yellowish bill, and yellowish legs and feet.
Range: Australia.
Habitat: Shallow wooded wetlands, marshes, reedbeds, and pasturelands.
Conservation status: Least concern.