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Grey heron

Wading Through Wetlands With The Grey Heron

A tall, elegant member of the heron family, this striking wading bird is native to Asia, Africa, and temperate Europe. The heron was a symbolic bird in ancient times. From Ancient Egypt to Ancient Rome, it was highly regarded, as evidenced by its...

The stunning Tricolored Heron standing in shallow water near the plants

The Herons of Florida

Florida is known for its diverse and unique wildlife, and one of the most fascinating bird species that can be found in the state is herons. These elegant and graceful birds can be seen in a variety of habitats across Florida, from freshwater...

The Egrets

Ardeidae Index – Herons, Egrets, And Bitterns

Herons, egrets, and bitterns are wading birds of the Ardeidae (heron) family. They fall under the order Pelicaniformes together with storks and pelicans. Waders are a diverse group of birds that feed by wading through shallow waters. Many waders...

Striated heron

The Striated Heron – A Stealthy Fish Hunter

Also called little heron or mangrove heron, the latter name gives away its preferred habitat as it is a common bird in the mangrove forests of coastal areas of Oceania, Central and South America as well as Asia and the South Pacific Ocean island...

Grey crowned crane

The Grey Crowned Crane – Uganda’s Majestic National Bird

The grey crowned cranes are just as majestic as their name suggests. These birds have grey bodies, white wings with brown and golden feathers, white cheeks, long legs and bright red caruncles below the beak. Their most beautiful feature? The spray...

Great Blue Heron

The Great Blue Heron (Ardea Herodias)

The great blue heron may be termed “great” simply due to its sheer size. Standing at roughly 4 feet tall with a wingspan of 6 feet, it is the largest heron found in North America. In spite of its massive size, the great blue heron is able...

Seychelles Kestrel Close Up

64 Types of Falcons (With Pictures)

Order Falconiformes FamilyFalconidae The Falconidae family includes falcons, kestrels, and caracaras. Small to medium-sized diurnal raptors differ from hawks and their allies by using their beaks instead of their feet to kill prey. Falconiformes...

African green broadbill

Birds of the African Rainforests (With Pictures)

The rainforests of Africa are a treasure trove of biodiversity, boasting an incredible array of flora and fauna. Among the myriad of species that call these lush habitats home, birds stand out as the most vibrant and diverse inhabitants of the...


Safari Birds of South Africa

A visit to South Africa would be incomplete without a trip to the bush. And there is a lot more than the Big Five to look out for. Birdlife in South Africa is reflective of the sheer diversity that can be found here. And birding tours are becoming...